Richland has many activities for youth... -Sunday School -Youth Choir -Wednesday Night Family -YOUTH RALLIES -VBS -Summer Camp -Fall Retreats -Service Projects... Our youth have a great time here!
Sunday School meets at 10AM at Richland. Our younger students meet downstairs and our older students meet upstairs. Our teachers are gifted and help to bring the Bible and God's truth to life. Be sure to join us before Sunday Worship and to grow in your discipleship!
Youth Choir meets Sunday nights at 5PM in our Memorial Hall. Students able to sing in the choir prepare musical offerings for our Sunday services, special services, and holiday events. This is a great place to learn music theory and to also enjoy making friends.
Wednesday Night Pastor's Bible Study meets at 6:30PM in our Memorial Hall. Those able to engage in an in-depth Bible Study are encouraged to participate. Our youth and children meet in various locations for games, crafts, service projects, and fun!
YOUTH RALLIES are "all-church" youth group meetings that take place at various churches. They take place every other month and are a great opportunity to meet with friends who share in the love of God. All of our YOUTH RALLIES focus on our camping themes for summer and fall retreats. See our homepage calendar for the next upcoming event!
FAMILY VBS (Vacation Bible School) is our regular schedule of family fun and learning during the summer. Our gatherings include dinner, singing, skits, crafts, games, and an exploration of God's word.
Summer Camp is a special activity each year that takes place in French Camp, Mississippi at the Camp of the Rising Son. This camp is reserved for students who are age 8-18 and they will enjoy all the best features about a camp situated on a private lake with a world class horse riding facility! Camp is also a great opportunity to meet new friends who attend from neighboring states. Our camp dates are usually the 3rd or last week of July, and registration forms are available at our Summer Camp webpage.
Fall Retreat Our Memphis "cluster" of churches gather for a fun weekend for Middle & High School students that will focus on great teaching and great fun! This overnighter experience has the retreat "feel" but keeps the price low! We usually meet the weekend just prior to Thanksgiving.
Service Projects one of our big projects each year is the Rosemark Country Fair each fall. For this event, we help prepare the campus for all our visitors. On the event date, we help, direct, and share goodies (and the Good News) with all who wish to receive. More projects happen throughout the year!