The definitive history text of this area is, An Illustrated History of the People and Towns of Northeast Shelby County and South Central Tipton County. This text is available for purchase and is associated with the ongoing work of the non-profit group, Historic Archives of Rosemark & Environs (HARE), Inc. To learn more about both click on the following link:
Here is the website that will link you to events organized by the Rosemark Civic Club, Garden Club, and Historic Preservation Society:
History records that the early founders of the town of Richland, which later became called Rosemark, built a school house that doubled as the church sanctuary. From those earliest days, a school has always been a part of Rosemark. Today, the K through 12 private school in the heart of Rosemark is found here:
The mission of the Rosemark Foundation is to provide farm fresh eggs to underprivileged communities and to promote chicken safety and husbandry throughout the United States of America.
The mission of the Northeast Shelby County Rural Association is to promote the social welfare of our rural area citizens by providing leadership on rural issues through advocacy, communication, education, and legislation in rural Northeast Shelby County, TN.