THANK YOU to all who attended our conference. It was a real blessing to have you at our church! As noted, after a time of editing and post-production work, we intend to post our presentations online... stay tuned!
This is an important question in need of ongoing clarification. Jesus made baptism a part of his "Great Commission." Why would he emphasize this and how it should be done? At our conference, we intend to present the historic Christian understanding.
The vast majority of the Christians that have ever lived have been baptized in infancy. The majority of Christians today, Protestant or otherwise, are still baptized in infancy. It seems to have been the majority position (for the most part the singular position of the church) for more than 1500 years. For the last 200 years or so there's been a shift toward a different model. That creates some interesting questions. Could it really be because, for so long, the church has had a light understanding of scripture - or failed to examine these issues in earnest? Perhaps due to an unappreciated hangover from a previous Roman Catholicism? Perhaps Augustine and Aquinas, Luther and Calvin, Jonathan Edwards and Francis Schaeffer all had an inadequate seriousness in the study of the Bible? If those thing are true, they are at the very least, very hard to understand.
Join us for this mini-conference in September designed toward the better understanding of the sacrament of baptism.
Session 1. "A Survey of the Book of Acts in regard to the Sacraments of the New Testament"
Session 2. "Why Baptism? An introduction to the signs of membership in the covenant of grace"
Our Speakers:
With the Reverend Kent Moorlach MA, Mdiv (TE-ARP)
Reverend Moorlach is the Pastor of Richland Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Rosemark, Tennessee and has been taught on matters of Theology, Apologetics, Christian history and Ancient history in many forums. Formerly he was the Pastor of Communion Presbyterian Church in Irvine, CA and the organizer of "Reformation OC (Orange County)".
And Christopher Neiswonger JD, MA (RE - PCA, OPC) Christopher is the long time host of the radio program in Los Angeles having presented lectures, debates and papers on many subjects related to the historic Christian faith and it's relationship to contemporary culture. He has served as a Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church in America and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and is now on staff at Richland ARP as the Director of Ministries.