Our first ever conference on Islam was a great encouragment to the many people who took part in our presentations over three nights in November 2015. We plan to offer more conferences in the future designed to challenge and equip the church to a greater sense of devotion and love! Please stay tuned...
Wed. November 4At our regular Wednesday Night Family Supper program, Joe Carey will present a brief opening message that will set the tone for the following two nights of presentations. If you would like to be part of the 6PM meal, please RSVP with us!
November 5 & 6On Thursday and Friday night, Joe will be making presentations on the history, theology, and future of Islam -- complete with a Q & A time to follow. These meetings will begin at 7PM
Radical TruthJoe has been a full time lecturer in the US, Africa, South America, and the Middle East since 2007. To learn more about his calling and vocation, visit his website: RadicalTruth.net.