We are now 157 years!
It will be our ongoing tradition to commemorate our Homecoming Sunday on the date associated with Daylight Saving ending. As we have in time's past, we will suspend our 10AM Sunday School Hour and host a Family Pancake Breakfast in our Memorial Hall. The hall will feature historic displays related to our church history. Our worship service will commence at 11AM. Approximately one half-hour after the completion of the morning service, we invite the congregation to gather at the Rosemark Cemetery to offer prayers of grateful memory and to recall our duties in this life before we enter the rest and reward of Jesus Christ. To view select photos from past celebrations, see the picture column to the right. To view our 2021 Homecoming Sunday Service, please CLICK on the following link: RICHLAND ARP 155th HOMECOMING SUNDAY SERVICE REMEMBER, you can always submit your historical photos to our church email for display on this page... |
Click on the photos below to view pictures from our past Homecoming Sundays and some select photos from over the years...
To see videos of services, sermons, studies, and special presentations, link here! |
Our 150th Celebration!
Richland's 150th Anniversary group photo, October 23, 2016.
HistoryThere are several documents that catalog the founding, establishment, and ongoing ministry of Richland ARP.
These texts are available for research and located throughout our campus. The history behind our church name and the community in which we reside, Rosemark, is itself an enlightening unfolding of plans laid, but modified by other events. One community agency that has faithfully documented and preserved the history of our area is known as H.A.R.E (Historic Archives of Rosemark and Environs). This group of volunteers has been instrumental in illustrating the events and individuals who have labored to establish a church, school, and way of life in this part of north Shelby County, TN. Here is an example of our church history available online: LINK HERE Visit the Rosemark Historic District Facebook page Visit the Richland ARP Facebook page View the 20 minute documentary HERE |
HeritageChristianity has a double emphasis. It recalls what God has done for His people in the past and it focuses on what God has promised for His people in the future! To mark a 150th Anniversary Year is a humbling accomplishment -- this is only a product of God's abiding grace. But it is not our purpose to solely be an historical marker of days gone by... Our desire is to continue to be a beacon of God's amazing grace!
If already in your short lifetime, you have realized that God's kingdom does not arrive with clamor, innovation, and worldly entertainments; but by faithfulness, service, reverence, and ordinary means of grace, then we invite you to join us as we seek to mark our future paths with the Biblical hallmarks of proclaiming God's Word, administering the sacraments, and discipling all those whom the Lord our God will call. (PS. We DO HAVE an historical marker, and we think that is kinda cool; but we humbly pray that our future will be marked by seeking Christ and his righteous kingdom, first!) |