1/25 - Officer's Training Event 1/29 - 5th Wednesday Prayer Mtg; 6:16PM 2/4 - RARPC Officers' Meetings; 6 & 7PM 2/6 - Millington Prayer Mtg; 11:45AM 2/8 - Emma Kate & Ross Wedding 2/14 - Valentine's Day 2/21-22 - Redemption Conf. in Little Rock 3/3-4 - MVP Meetings 3/6 - Millington Prayer Mtg; 11:45AM 3/8 - Rosemark Men's Breakfast; 8AM 3/9 - DAYLIGHT SAVING CHANGE 3/30 - 5th Sunday All Church Luncheon 4/6 - Lord's Table Observed 4/11-13 - Jesus Prophecy Conference 4/13-20 - HOLY WEEK 4/20 - Resurrection Sunday 5/1 - National Day of Prayer 5/11 - Mother's Day ALSO SEE OUR NEWSLETTER --> http://www.richlandarp.org/church-newsletter.html
Watch our Facebook "livestream" or to the audio provided for the following presentations...
Special Services:
Olivet Discourse Tuesday - Jesus was a prophet who spoke of the "last days." One of the most referenced Bible passages related to "end times" is the Olivet Discourse documented in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. We will discuss portions of this discourse and suggest a proper interpretation for these words of Jesus.
Seder Supper Wednesday - As a part of our regular Wednesday Night Family Supper, we dedicate this night to learning more about the Passover meal as detailed from the book of Exodus. Although not a full Seder meal, the teaching elements will satisfy the soul!
Maundy Thursday - As Jesus gathered with his disciples for a final Passover feast, we will gather to contemplate and commemorate the theological importance of observing the Lord's Table. This evening is open to all to learn the re-telling of this meal, and we welcome all who are professing, baptized, and confessing Christians to participate in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper at the conclusion of the service.
Good Friday Service - It was a good day for a bad day -- the day that Jesus bore the sins of those who would be destined for God's judgment and wrath had he not atoned for them. The cry, "It is finished!" is deeply profound and requires our thoughtful consideration. Join us for a Noon-time service that will remind us of the wages of our sins, but will highlight the gift of God's grace!
Resurrection Sunday Service - He is risen! He has risen, indeed! This is the refrain that announces the promises of God and fuels our eternal hopes! We invite everyone to join us for a morning worship service which is the motivation for our every Sunday Service... come worship the risen, reigning, and soon returning King!