Q. Why & how did I get this card in the mail? A. Because we want to invite our neighbors to our church! Q. Why are you doing this? A. Because reaching people with the good news of the gospel is a priority of ours. Our church has been in this location for over 150 years and the neighborhood has grown and changed. We want our neighbors to know that Richland ARP is a great church with people, ministries, and a mission focused on blessing our community. Q. How do you define "the gospel?" A. The core of the gospel is the prophesied and perfect life of Jesus Christ, his atoning death, his victorious resurrection, his triumphant ascension, his kingly rule over all of heaven and earth, and his glorious return and restoration of all things -- we see all of this as "good news" for sinners who recognize their need of Christ's saving grace. Q. What is an "ARP" church? A. Our history begins before the founding of the United States. When Christians were being persecuted in England, Scotland, and Ireland for their religious convictions, many of them made their way to America for a new life. In America, these same groups, now free to worship according to their own conscience, joined with each other to form one new group, yet, keeping their previously identifying names: "The Associate Presbyterians" and "The Reformed Presbyterians," A long name from a long history. Other Presbyterian churches also came to America with whom we still have abiding relations. However, there are other Presbyterian groups with whom we hold profound differences and we wish to distinguish ourselves from them. To learn more about our denomination, see HERE. Q. Do I know anyone who is ARP? A. Our denomination has flourished in the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida, however we do have churches from Canada to California. The late evangelist, Billy Graham, was raised in an ARP church and attended ARP youth camps. Although he later became Southern Baptist, Graham was quoted as saying, "The ARP are the real Presbyterians!" Our most "famous" pastors (apart from our founding Ebenezer and Ralph Erskine, with James Fisher) are men such as Sinclair Ferguson, Derek Thomas, and Jay Adams. If you are also familiar with the ministry of RC Sproul, you will find a similar emphasis in both of our teaching and theology. Q. What are your church services like? A. Our services contain an order and simplicity that is known today as "traditional:" A Call to Worship, Hymns and songs, Prayers, Scripture readings, Recitation of ancient creeds or confessions, Offering, and Sermons (about a half-hour long) that are organized by "verse upon verse" exposition of the books of the Bible. We partake of the Lord's Supper, Baptize, and welcome New Members on a regular basis. Q. What am I supposed to wear to church? A. There is no "dress code." Some wear suit jackets to dresses, others are more casual... all are welcome! Q. Are you going to ask me to do anything, or will you point me out? A. No. However, you will be warmly greeted by church members who will be encouraged by your visit. (You will be invited to a church luncheon after church when they take place). Q. What do you have for my young children? A. We are committed to family ministry and seek to involve children in every aspect of church life. It is not our practice to excuse our younger children to an alternative venue on Sunday morning. However, we recognize that some of our youngest ones do need "time and space" on occasions... for this, we do have a mother's room, a children's room, and a fellowship hall where access to our church service is available through online streaming. Q. Do you have other meetings? A. YES - plenty! Please explore our website to discover all the weekly, monthly, annual, and seasonal meetings for men, women, youth, children, and everyone all together! Q. Do you believe that the Scriptures are infallible? A. YES! Q. Can I ask you a specific question? A. Right here! (If you want an email sent to you, include your address!)
If you would like to hear conversations that are based on, "Ask the pastor anything" questions, LINK to THIS PAGE.