THANK YOU for attending our MVP Officer Training Event on January 25, 2025! We will be posting links to these lessons below, soon! We are inviting all ministers, elders, and deacons of the Mississippi Valley Presbytery (and others of like mind) to join us for a training event. Our returning featured presenter is Rev. Kyle Sims. Our day will include important topical lessons for church leadership and includes a luncheon. We do plan to live-stream our event... details TBA. Our Registration Page is below...
Registration is $10 and includes the cost of lunch (MVP is greatly subsidizing this event, so any additional contributions will assist in defraying costs, Thank you!)
Our guest presenter is The Rev. Kyle E. Sims, Director of Seminary Admissions and Church Relations at Erskine Seminary and the Principle Clerk for the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church denomination. First ordained in 1999, Rev. Sims has ministered in a variety of church contexts which also enhances his expertise on the topic of church leadership.
Please contact Richland ARP if you will need assistance in making overnight accommodations.